
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Bonus Words...a little delayed


I apologize for the delay in this post, for we had a small family emergency last night.

Here are the bonus words for this week:


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Unit 2 Week 2 Spelling List

I apologize for the delay in the posting of the upcoming week's spelling words. I have been without or away from my computer for a couple of days. So without further ado, below is the link for this week's spelling words. YOU WILL HAVE BONUS WORDS THIS WEEK! LOOK FOR THEM ON MONDAY!

Unit 2 Week 2 Spelling List

Monday, September 22, 2014

Week of September 22, 2014

Please take a look at all the NEW things we will be starting this week and some important announcements concerning the Holiday Auction and Parent-Teacher Conferences.

September 22, 2014 Newsletter

Friday, September 19, 2014

Unit 2 Week 1 Spelling List

I am looking forward to starting a new unit this week in our Reading Street. This week for spelling we will be focusing on the phonics skill that we have been studying in Fundations, controlled r (/ar/, /or/, /ore/). We will resume our regular test day of Friday this week.

I will NOT be posting Bonus words this week. However, I will post our phonics study guide with a few pointers on study skills for phonics. This will be posted on Monday, September 22, 2014 by 4:00 PM. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Parent-Teacher Conference

Today I set-up the online sign-ups for Parent-Teacher Conference. I also sent out an e-mail with the direct link. In case you didn’t receive the e-mail, below is the link to our online sign-ups. Be sure to sign-up early to insure that you get the spot you desire. Remember the conferences are on October 17. If there is anything specific you want to discuss, feel free to e-mail me ahead of time.
Thank you,

Mrs. Duke

Monday, September 15, 2014

Week of September 15, 2014

Due to a short week this week you will notice a lot of changes to our schedule, in and out of the classroom. Please look over the Newsletter carefully!

September 15 - 19, 2014 Newsletter

Bonus Spelling Words

Here are the BONUS Spelling words for this week:
1. pumpkin
2. crucifix
3. bishop
4. genre
5. fiction

Remember each word is worth 1 point each. It DOES NOT count against the student if s/he misses the word.

Test this week is on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 due to no school on FRIDAY!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Spelling List Unit 1 Review

We have reached the end of Unit 1 in our Spelling and Reading; therefore, this week will be a review of Unit 1. 

Below is the link to the spelling words for next week's test on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. No school on Friday, September 19.  Be on the lookout for a post on BONUS WORDS on Monday, September 15! 
There will also be 4 dictation sentences this week due to it being a review. They, like last week, will be taken for a separate grade. Please help your student work on spacing between words in a sentence. I have been talking to them individually this week about putting a "finger" space between words if I notice they are trying to cram words together. The purpose of dictation sentences is not only to see if they can spell words correctly but a lot of it is to see if they can properly construct the sentence (i.e., spacing, capitalization, punctuation, etc.). 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


I am offering this week 5 bonus words on their spelling test. I will be doing this at least once a month. I will be sending them out via e-mail, the blog and remind 101. They will be worth 1 point each. It will be a mixture of religion words and words that I feel are necessary for them to know that are not apart of our spelling units.
This week's words are:
1. baptism
2. sacrament
3. September
4. Jesus
5. autumn

The plan for these words are not only to be an incentive for extra points on spelling tests but also to extend their spelling knowledge, especially for religion.

In His footsteps,
Mrs. Duke

Friday, September 5, 2014

Spelling List Unit 1 Week 5

Below is the link to the spelling words for next week's test on Friday, September 5. There will also be 2 dictation sentences. Please help your student work on spacing between words in a sentence. I have been talking to them individually this week about putting a "finger" space between words if I notice they are trying to cram words together. The purpose of dictation sentences is not only to see if they can spell words correctly but a lot of it is to see if they can properly construct the sentence (i.e., spacing, capitalization, punctuation, etc.). 

Spelling List Unit 1 Week 5

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Week of September 1 - 5, 2014

I hope you and your family had a wonderful LONG weekend! I have posted below the newsletter for this week. I have assigned our first Students of the Month for September. Their All About Me books will not be due until September 19, 2014.
Students of the Month for September
·       Logan Bello
·       Cristal Alvarez