
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Scripture Memory Verses and Other Updates

We are having a fabulous week! Your students worked incredibly hard on Tuesday with a small group activity. You could have heard a pin drop because they were working so hard. I was able to take some wonderful action shots of your kiddos while they were working.

Today we dove deep into our baseline assessments. Once again, they demonstrated such determination to do their best on every question/problem. Very impressive! Kuddos to you the parents and guardians, too!

I have finally been able to compose our  listing of our Monthly Scripture Memory Verses. We have been practicing our August verse daily when we have transitional time during class. They are doing great! I will be sending home the hard copy of the memory verses tomorrow, Thursday, August 15.

I, also, will be posting the Spelling List #1 tomorrow. The first list will be all review sight words from the previous year that I have noticed this week alone they are struggling to spell without aids (i.e., days of the week, months of the year, etc.). These are key to composition skills for our writing this year.

Finally, I will be sending home a parent volunteer form tomorrow afternoon. If you already know that you would be interested in helping in our classroom (i.e., special crafts, small celebrations, special lessons, etc.), please feel free to e-mail me at Again, thank you for being such an active part of your child's learning experience.

Wednesday Night's Homework - Student is to either read one of their library books to you and/or have you read to them. Then they are to illustrate the beginning, middle and end of the story.

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