
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Science and Social Studies Study Guides

We have had a very busy day in class today! We covered almost every subject area and talked about what a bully looks like and what they do since October is National Anti-Bullying Month. The campaign slogan is "Be a Buddy not a Bully". The students and I watched this video this morning and are working on our hallway display to be finished by Friday!

Today in class we went over the Science Study Guide pages. The students also wrote page references from the textbook as to where we found the answers. To double check your child's answers, here are the answers to the Study Guide:
In the box at the bottom of the page the students should have drown an intact egg without any cracks.

The answer at bottom is hard to read but it should read: A chicken lays an egg. The egg hatches. The chick grows up and then lays eggs of its own.

Tonight, the students will be completing the Study Guide for Friday's Social Studies Test. I would like for them to bring it back tomorrow so we can discuss it and practice, again, the skill of using our textbooks to find answers. Here are the answers to the Test Preparation Page.

The students have been doing a fabulous job in class completing class work on time. Please make sure to check DOG Binders each night thoroughly. Also, there are some VERY important papers that were in the Wednesday folder today! 

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