
Sunday, August 31, 2014


I cannot express how thankful I am for such amazing 2nd graders! We had an amazing time at the Botanical Gardens in Huntsville. Not only did we get to enjoy the Alice in Wonderland display, but we got a free sneak peek at the Scarecrow exhibit that starts September 1! The trip was enjoyed by ALL!

My favorite part, as a teacher, was to watch the extreme patience of our students in the butterfly housewaiting for the perfect butterfly to land on their shoulders, hands, etc. Then they all became concerned when a box turtle got his foot stuck inside another box turtle’s shell. They immediately rushed over to me to see if I could perform on the spot veterinary skills in turtle leg removal (to which I have none unfortunately). PRECIOUSis the only word to describe that moment.

I have placed just a few of the pictures below from our memorable trip. I am looking forward to another adventure soon with these amazing young individuals!
Mrs. Duke J

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