
Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

WOW! What beautiful weather God has blessed us with as we begin Fall! Today we had wonderful Monday as we begin the last full week of September.

Spelling - Write each spelling words. Trace the consonants in orange and vowels in red. 
Math - Complete the Adding Ten Worksheet.
Social Studies - Complete Worksheet Page 5.
Language - Complete/Study the Study Guide for Grammar test on Wednesday, September 25. (Answers to study guide here.)

There will also be a Spanish test on Friday, September 27 in Spanish Class. Your child should have received their complete study guide in their binder's today.

Please remember to sign behavior sheets from last week (purple) and return in the DOG binder. 

I will be at a conference with Ms. Nolen tomorrow; therefore, there will be a sub in my absence. However, all scheduled tests for Wednesday will stay as planned.

Finally, don't forget to call the school office to arrange a conference time for either Thursday, October 24 or Friday, October 25. 

Have a blessed evening,

Mrs. Duke

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