
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Science Chapter 1 Study Guide

Here are the questions that will be covered on the Chapter 1 Science Test:
1. What is one MAJOR difference between a living and non-living thing?
2. List at least 2 things that a living thing needs in order to grow and change.
3. What happens to tree leaves just before a rain in order for the tree to catch the most water possible?
4.What is the purpose for a seed coat?
5. What are the different classifications of plants?
6.  Who, originally, was put in charge of naming all the living and non-living things on the Earth?
7. Do all seeds, when scattered by humans or by natural causes, germinate into new plants?
8. What do we call a baby tree?
9. Be able to label a tree during all 4 specific seasons.
(The answers to questions 3, 6 - 9 cannot be found in the book. They were items discussed during class. However, it will be recorded by your child on his/her personal class study guide that will come home tomorrow.)

The questions on the test will be a mixture of matching, multiple choice, true/false and short answer. This is a topic that the students covered in 1st grade, and we have been discussing for quite some time; therefore, I believe they are more than adequately prepared for their exam on Friday, September 20.. Please note the change!

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